EKAW 2022 in Bolzano

Last week (26-29 September) the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2022), which deals with various topics around eliciting, acquiring, modeling, and managing knowledge, took place in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
During the conference three inspiring keynotes were presented: Hannah Bast discussed the power of context-sensitive autocompletion in the QLever SPARQL engine. Vanessa López provided insights into the potential of technology to accelerate scientific discovery, which could contribute to tasks such as drug discovery. Fabien Gandon talked about a shift in our research focus from knowledge acquisition to knowledge augmentation and showed use cases that could benefit from this such as detecting and preventing cyberbullying.
From our research group, Stefani Tsaneva also presented the paper “Human-centric Ontology Evaluation: Process and Tool Support”, dealing with establishing a common methodology for conducting ontology evaluations with human contributors and developing a tool to support the ontology engineer in the evaluation planning process.

A nice addition to the variety of interesting talks that were presented was the walkshop in the Firmian castle, where we discussed future directions of Knowledge Engineering while walking through the museum, and the conference dinner at the Mareccio castle.

We are happy to have attended the EKAW’2022 and are looking forward to the 24th edition.