Web of Data and Semantic Enrichment Seminar at University of Lille
On 18.03.2011, the Laboratoire GERiiCO of Université de Lille, France organized a seminar on Web of Data and Semantic Enrichment, an online event attracting around 50 participants.
The SemSys group was represented with an invited talk given by Marta Sabou that complemented an exciting program on a range of aspects of the Web of Data and its semantic enrichment challes. In line with the topic of the seminar, the invited talk was focused on “Web-scale Data Integration for Creating Cyber-physical Social Systems” thus presenting results from the recently concluded CitySPIN project.
In particular, the talk presented the notion of Cyber-physical Social Systems (CPSS), highlighted the web-scale data integration challenges for establishing these CPSS and described the Ontology-based Data Integration approaches to solve them. In a lively discussion session, participants discussed the benefits of the presented system for end users as well as the exploration of the integrated data through Machine Learning methods for advanced analytics.