Book Chapter Published

The Springer book on “Contemporary Empirical Methods in Software Engineering” has now been officially published! The book presents contemporary empirical methods in software engineering related to the plurality of research methodologies, human factors, data collection and processing, aggregation and synthesis of evidence, and impact of software engineering research. As such, it is expected that it will become a reference material for empirical software engineers.
The book also features a chapter on “Empirical Software Engineering Experimentation with Human Computation”, authored by M. Sabou, D Winkler and S. Biffl, which addresses researchers from both research communities and provides:
- introductory notions into both research fields
- an analysis of Empirical Software Engineering experiment requirements and Human Computation capabilities that could match those, and
- a concrete example of an Empirical Software Engineering experiment that compares the effects of using Human Computation in software inspection with respect to a traditional inspection process preformed using pen and paper. Our focus is on software inspection for detecting defects in software engineering models (namely, extended entity relationship models).
We hope that this chapter will facilitate scientific collaborations between researchers form these two research fields!