OeAD-supported cooperation between TU Wien and UTeM Malaysia
In Autumn 2021, we won an OeAD proposal with our colleagues from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) on standardizing data management and data analytic processes for educational factories.
As a background, both TU Wien and UTeM have their respective production facilities, which are mainly used for educational purposes. These facilities produce large amounts of data in their operations which students and researchers can utilize. In this regard, it is essential to develop methods and tools to help define the data capturing, provenance, and storage to support students and researchers in utilizing such data.

This year, as part of the project, we have conducted one incoming and one outgoing visit between the universities.
The colleagues (Prof. Mohd Rizal bin Salleh, Ao. Prof. Nizam bin Abd Rahman, and Dr. Azrul Azwan Abdul Rahman) from UTeM visited us in June 2022. During this visit, we discussed the cooperation framework, visited several relevant researchers, and examined possible collaboration options for the duration of the project and in the future.

Right: Prof. Andreas Rauber, Dr. Azrul Azwan Abdul Rahman, Fajar J. Ekaputra
As a follow-up, we (me, Prof. Andreas Rauber, and Katharina Flicker) had an outgoing visit to Malaysia earlier this month. During the trip, we visited the Teaching Factory, conducted several interviews regarding the socio-technical aspects of data repository and data management, and had several discussions with key persons at UTeM regarding the development of the data repository and data management process.
To wrap up this first phase of the project, we are currently working on a paper to describe our initial approach to the data repository for the educational factories based on the DBRepo approach developed at TU Wien.
We are looking forward to continuing the cooperation in the future successfully!