OntoCommons Consortium Meeting

Last week (4-5th May) TU Wien hosted an OntoCommons consortium meeting, where partners’ representatives met in Vienna to discuss the progress made in each working package and the steps to follow. OntoCommons aims to provide a sustainable approach to harmonised data documentation through ontologies, making the data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), and implementing practical and user-friendly mechanisms of intra- and cross-domain interoperability focusing on materials and manufacturing sectors.
The physical consortium meeting was a great opportunity to finally meet in person and strengthen the ties and trust between our diverse communities (including, among others, material scientists, semantic web experts, database experts, manufacturers and application developers). The meeting provided further input for the work of the SemSys group in WP4.
Besides the insightful discussions in the meeting room, we enjoyed a tour of the House of Music and continued exchanging our views on the project over some delicious meals.