Future Museum is a MUSEUM BOOSTER research project with international research partners, that aims at helping museums apply cutting-edge know-how in their strategic planning. The…
Earlier in May, the ExpCPS project had its kick-off meeting for the year 2020. ExpCPS is a cooperation project between TU Wien (SemSys group) and…
The authors said in the beginning that this paper is meant to be a critical review of approaches to capture provenance for RDF data, demonstrate…
This week, Marta Sabou represented TU Wien as an expert evaluator for the H2020 SPHERE project. In a nutshell, the SPHERE aims to develop a…
OntoTrans provides an ontology-based Open Translation Environment. Its Artificial Intelligence approach enables end users to represent in a standard ontological form their manufacturing process challenges…
Ontologies represent and capture both terminological and assertional knowledge underlying novel intelligent systems including question answering systems (e.g., IBM Watson) or conversational agents (e.g., chatbots). Increasingly,…
The FFG-funded OBARIS project (Ontology-Based Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Sector) aims to advance the status quo in the area of auditable semantic artificial intelligence systems…