In the last week of May, three SemSys members (Marta, Fajar, Stefani) attended the 21st edition of ESWC in Crete, Greece. Tutorials and Workshops On…
We are excited to announce that four papers authored by SemSys members have been accepted at ESWC 2024! Three papers investigate the use of Large…
We are happy to announce that our paper titled “Enhancing Human-in-the-Loop Ontology Curation Results through Task Design” [1] has just been accepted for publication in…
We are happy to announce the acceptance of four papers from members of our lab to ESWC 2023: Ph.D. Symposium: S.Tsaneva “Evaluating Knowledge Graphs with…
Last week (26-29 September) the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW2022), which deals with various topics around eliciting, acquiring, modeling, and…
Last week our group hosted a workshop on SWeML systems, which combine Semantic Web technologies and Machine Learning. We met with colleagues from Vrije Universiteit…
We are happy to announce that our paper “Human-centric Ontology Evaluation: Process and Tool Support” has been accepted as a full paper to be presented…
This week we (Stefani Tsaneva & Marta Sabou) attended the first International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence that took place as an on-site event in…
Last week (4-5th May) TU Wien hosted an OntoCommons consortium meeting, where partners’ representatives met in Vienna to discuss the progress made in each working…