After some months of development, we are delighted to announce that our work on the Semantic LOG ExtRaction Template (SLOGERT ) has been accepted…
On Wednesday, 29 September 2021, one paper from the SemSys group was presented at the International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications (ICAICTA).…
We are happy to announce that our paper entitled “VizKG: A Framework for Visualizing SPARQL Query Results over Knowledge Graphs” has been accepted to the…
Several weeks ago, we received good news that our submission was accepted at MLKgraphs 2021, one of the workshops at DEXA 2021. Title: Bridging Semantic…
On 18.06.2021, the Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) took place as an online event providing a forum for academic exchange and networking among computer scientists…
On June 10, 2021, we presented our work entitled “The SLOGERT Framework for automated Log Knowledge Graph Construction” in the resource track of ESWC 2021.…
Last week, the submissions of our two doctoral students, Peb Aryan and Laura Waltersdorfer were accepted to the Doctoral Consortium at ISWC 2021! Peb’s research…
On Tuesday, 18 May 2021, one paper from the SemSys group was presented in the 9th workshop on Modeling and Simulation on Cyber-Physical Energy Systems.…
Last week our work on visualizing SPARQL graph pattern found a place in another open source project: kglab, a python package for graph-based data science[1].…
On 25th of March 2021, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria’s central funding organization for basic research, has organised a large-scale online event to festively…